Iron forms two chlorides.One gram of the first chloride produces 2.26g of silver chloride and one gram of the second chloride produces 2.65g of silver chloride.Prove that these data illustrate the law of multiple proportions

To prove that these data illustrate the law of multiple proportions, we need to calculate the ratio between the masses of iron and chlorine in both chlorides.

Let's assume that the first chloride is called chloride A and the second chloride is called chloride B.

For chloride A, we have:

Mass of iron = 1g
Mass of silver chloride produced = 2.26g

For chloride B, we have:

Mass of iron = 1g
Mass of silver chloride produced = 2.65g

Now, let's calculate the mass ratio of iron to chlorine for each chloride.

For chloride A:

Mass of iron = 1g
Mass of silver chloride produced = 2.26g

Since silver chloride contains one atom of silver and one atom of chlorine, we can assume that the mass of chlorine in silver chloride is 2.26g.

Therefore, the mass ratio of iron to chlorine in chloride A is 1g : 2.26g.

For chloride B:

Mass of iron = 1g
Mass of silver chloride produced = 2.65g

Similarly, assuming the mass of chlorine in silver chloride is 2.65g, the mass ratio of iron to chlorine in chloride B is 1g : 2.65g.

Now, let's compare the two ratios:

1g : 2.26g (chloride A) and 1g : 2.65g (chloride B)

We can see that these ratios are not the same, indicating that the two chlorides have different ratios of iron to chlorine. This verifies the law of multiple proportions.

According to the law of multiple proportions, when two elements combine to form multiple compounds, the ratio of masses of one element that combines with a fixed mass of the other element will be in small whole numbers. In this case, the ratios of iron to chlorine in chloride A and chloride B are not the same, indicating different proportions, which confirms the law of multiple proportions.

Convert 2.26 g AgCl to g Ag.

2.26 x (35.45/143.32) = 0.5590

Convert 2.65 g AgCl to g Ag.
2.65 x (35.45/143.32) = 0.6555

So we have 1 g Fe combining with Cl to give 0.5590g Ag in one case and 0.6550 g Ag in the other. What is the ratio of these two?
0.5590/0.5590 = 1.0000
0.6550/0.5590 = 1.1717
1:1.1717 is the ratio of 6.00 to 7.03 and if we round the 7.03 to 7.0 we hvae 6:7 which is the ratio of small whole numbers.