The presidents role in foreign policy increased largely because:

A. Congress proved so inept in foreign affairs that the american people demanded a change.
B. America became more of a world power.
C. of the need to coordinate national economic policy and foreign policy, a task to which the presidency was well-suited.
D. of the desire of U.S. business to expand into latin america and Asia, which required executive at the highest leve.

Congress proved so inept...

America became more of a world power

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and analyze it:

A. Congress proved so inept in foreign affairs that the American people demanded a change.
To determine if this answer is correct, you could research the historical context and assess how well Congress handled foreign affairs at the time. This might involve looking into specific events or instances where Congress made decisions regarding foreign policy and evaluating their effectiveness. Additionally, you could examine public sentiment and any demands from the American people for change.

B. America became more of a world power.
To assess if this option is correct, you can examine the historical shift of America's position in the world and its increasing influence on the global stage. You could study significant events, such as wars or international agreements, that contributed to America's rise as a world power and evaluate the subsequent impact on the president's role in foreign policy.

C. The need to coordinate national economic policy and foreign policy, a task to which the presidency was well-suited.
To determine if this choice is correct, you might examine the connection between national economic policy and foreign policy. Analyze the historical context, such as the impact of trade agreements or economic sanctions, and evaluate how these factors required coordination between economic policy and foreign policy. Consider whether the president's role was well-suited for this coordination based on their authority, ability to negotiate treaties, or control over economic decision-making.

D. The desire of U.S. business to expand into Latin America and Asia, which required executive action at the highest level.
To assess the accuracy of this answer, you could look into the historical context regarding U.S. business expansion into Latin America and Asia. Research significant events or policies that drove U.S. businesses to expand abroad and whether such expansion necessitated executive action. Evaluate the role of the president in facilitating or promoting this business expansion.

By researching, considering historical context, and assessing the information related to each option, you will be able to determine which answer is correct. Remember, understanding the criteria behind each option and examining relevant historical factors will be crucial in reaching an accurate conclusion.