Determin if the following sentences are:

run-ons, fragments, or correct as is.

1. Because subtle changes can reveal future abnormalities.


2. The neck is prone to injury, especially with repetitive motion and awkward positioning.


Both your answers are correct, yes.

I believe that you are correct.

To determine if a sentence is a run-on, a fragment, or correct as-is, we need to understand the characteristics of each type:

1. Run-on Sentence: A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation or a coordinating conjunction. It is a type of error in which multiple complete thoughts are not appropriately separated.

2. Fragment: A fragment is an incomplete sentence that lacks a subject, a verb, or both. It does not express a complete thought and may be missing necessary components.

3. Correct Sentence: A correct sentence demonstrates complete thoughts and follows the rules of syntax and grammar.

Now, let's analyze the provided sentences using the above criteria:

1. "Because subtle changes can reveal future abnormalities."
This sentence is a fragment. It starts with a subordinating conjunction ("Because") but does not contain a complete thought. To correct it, you could add a subject and a verb, or combine it with another complete sentence.

2. "The neck is prone to injury, especially with repetitive motion and awkward positioning."
This sentence is correct as it is. It contains a subject ("The neck") and a verb ("is prone to injury"), and also expresses a complete thought. The additional phrase following the comma ("especially with repetitive motion and awkward positioning") provides additional information without compromising the sentence's completeness.

So, in summary:
1. Sentence 1 is a fragment.
2. Sentence 2 is correct as it is.