how same sex marriage define neo evolution theory.

The acceptance of same sex marriage reflects the evolution of social customs.

Homosexuality has been accepted in many cultures for thousands of years. The addition of homosexual marriage is a logical extension of this custom in today's world.

Same sex marriage reflects our present mores of legalism and family values.

The definition of same-sex marriage does not directly relate to the concept of the neo-evolution theory. Same-sex marriage refers to the legal and social recognition of marriage between two individuals of the same gender.

On the other hand, the neo-evolution theory, also known as the theory of sociocultural evolution, is a concept used to explain the development and transformation of societies over time. It focuses on how societies adapt and change in response to various factors like technological advancements, social and cultural influences, and economic systems.

To understand the potential connection between same-sex marriage and the neo-evolution theory, one could examine how attitudes towards homosexuality and the recognition of same-sex relationships have evolved throughout history within different societies. This could include analyzing the cultural and social factors that have influenced the acceptance or rejection of same-sex relationships, changes in legal frameworks, and the impact of broader social movements advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

Exploring this topic would involve a mixture of historical research, analysis of societal attitudes and values, examination of legal and policy developments, and review of academic literature on the subject. By delving into these areas, one can gain insights into how the recognition of same-sex marriage and changes in societal attitudes towards homosexuality may align with the broader principles of sociocultural evolution outlined in the neo-evolution theory.