Can you please check these last sentences,please?

1) How do you pronounce the word UNO (United Nations Organization)?
2) Unfortunately we couldn't find any vacancy for a cabin for the required period.
3) Where did he get inspiration for his book?
4) Who did he get inspiration for his book from?
Can you say "he grew an interest for photography?
5) I can't find any accommodation within Yellowstone park. Everything is sold out from 8 August to 12 August.
This is a really query to you:
Coul you please help me find a cabin four four people (2 adults + 2 children: 11 and 13 years old)????

4) He is the subject so WHOM is the object = From WHOM did he get his inspiration. He developed an interest in photograph y.

Where do you want that cabin - in Yellowstone Park?

I"ll research that and get back to you if I find something.


Sure, I'd be happy to check those sentences for you!

1) How do you pronounce the word UNO (United Nations Organization)?
The sentence is grammatically correct, and it asks for the pronunciation of the word "UNO". To find the pronunciation of a word, you can use online dictionaries or language-learning apps that often provide audio pronunciations.

2) Unfortunately, we couldn't find any vacancies for a cabin for the required period.
The sentence is grammatically correct. It expresses the fact that there are no available cabins during the desired period. To find cabin vacancies, you can try searching on hotel booking websites, contacting hotels directly, or using travel agency services.

3) Where did he get inspiration for his book?
The sentence is grammatically correct. It asks about the source of inspiration for someone's book. To find information about where someone gained inspiration for their book, you can look for interviews, biographies, or statements made by the author.

4) Who did he get inspiration for his book from?
The sentence is grammatically correct but could be improved. It asks about the person from whom someone gained inspiration for their book. To find information about the person who inspired someone's book, you can search for interviews, biographies, or statements made by the author.

Regarding your query about the sentence "he grew an interest for photography," it should be "he developed an interest in photography." To express that someone has developed or gained an interest, you can use phrases like "developed an interest," "acquired an interest," or "gained an interest."

Finally, for your query about finding a cabin for four people, you can use hotel booking websites that allow you to specify the number of adults and children in your search criteria. Simply indicate that you need a cabin for two adults and two children (ages 11 and 13) and specify your desired dates. The website will then show you available options that meet your requirements.