New York’s MEGAMILLIONS lottery, a player wins 1st prize by selecting the correct 5 number combination when 5 different numbers from 1 through 56 are drawn, then selecting the correct MEGABALL number drawn from numbers 1 through 40. If a player selects one particular winning combination, find the probability of winning.

What's your opinion of Gambling in NY/New York State?? Is it good for the people?

Lately, the Republican Party is suffering in the POLLS due to the actions of one congressman (whose name is not important at the moment) and his relationships with staff members. Is it fair that his actions reflect the entire party? Should we look at this situation as a fair DISTRIBUTION of potential election results? Is this a fair DISTRIBUTION of the (nature of) the republican party?

Here is the probability:

Pr= 1*2*3*4*5*1/(56*55*54*53*52*40)

You do the math.

If you have a factorial key, here is another way:

Pr=5!*51!/((56! )*40)

Or put 5!*51!/((56! )*40) in the Google search window.

Now on the last: He was the chairman of a committee whose jurisdiction was preventing exploitation of children. Of course it should reflect on those who put him in that position, especially if their banter is morals, family values, putting criminals away.
Now on the distribution of poll results vs election results, there is always a disparity between who gets to vote and those in the poll.
I think it is reflective of the party, and their right wing supporters. But that is an opinion, and in polls, one is looking for aggregate opinions, not individual. One has be cautious of sample size, and standard deviation when gathering opinions and making inferences from them. Error can be great on events being flamed.

I just did the math and came up with an error in excel.

put 5!*51!/((56! )*40) in the Google search window.

To calculate the probability of winning the New York MEGAMILLIONS lottery, you need to find the number of favorable outcomes (winning combinations) and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, there is only one winning combination (the particular combination the player selects), while the total number of possible combinations is the product of the number of ways to choose 5 numbers out of 56 (represented by 56 choose 5) multiplied by the number of ways to choose 1 number out of 40 (represented by 40 choose 1).

The formula for calculating combinations is nCr, which represents the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n items.

In this case, the probability can be calculated using the formula:

Pr = 1 * 56C5 * 40C1

Simplifying this expression, you can calculate it as:

Pr = (1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 56C5 * 40) / (56 * 55 * 54 * 53 * 52 * 40)

Alternatively, you can use factorials to calculate combinations:

Pr = 5! * 51! / ((56! ) * 40)

You can input this expression directly into the Google search window, and it will calculate the probability for you.

Regarding the topic of gambling in New York State and whether it is good for the people, this is a subjective question and depends on individual perspectives and values. It is a topic that can be debated, as gambling can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and society. Some argue that gambling can provide economic benefits, such as tax revenue and job creation, while others raise concerns about addiction, financial difficulties, and the potential for negative social impacts. Ultimately, the opinions on this matter may vary.