I need help in a project.

I'm teaching a group of german students and I have noticed they say things like 'dis' and 'lai' instead of 'this' and 'lie'.
I should identify the phonology problem and explain it precisely what it is.
Please, can someone give me an answer to it. Thanks so much!

To identify the issue with the students' pronunciation, you need to focus on the phonology of the sounds they are producing. It seems like they are omitting the final sounds of words, resulting in pronunciations like 'dis' for 'this' and 'lai' instead of 'lie'.

The specific phonological problem here is called final consonant deletion. This occurs when a speaker consistently leaves out the final consonant sound in a word. In this case, the final -s sound in 'this' and the final -e sound in 'lie' are being omitted by the German students.

To address this issue, you can try the following steps:

1. Raise awareness: Inform the students about the importance of accurately pronouncing the final sounds of words in English. Explain that final consonant deletion can lead to miscommunication and affect their overall language proficiency.

2. Practice individual sounds: Focus on teaching and practicing specific consonant sounds that they struggle with. In this case, it would be the /s/ sound at the end of words like 'this'. Encourage students to pay close attention to their articulation and the position of their tongue.

3. Minimal pairs: Use minimal pairs to highlight the difference that the final sounds make in word meaning. For example, provide examples like 'this' vs. 'these' or 'lie' vs. 'lies'. Have the students practice pronouncing these pairs and emphasize the distinction in the final sounds.

4. Sentence drills: Incorporate sentence drills into your lessons where students have to practice using words with final consonants. This will provide them with more opportunities to practice and reinforce the correct pronunciation.

5. Audio resources: Utilize audio resources, such as native speaker recordings or online pronunciation tools, to expose students to correct pronunciation models. Encourage them to listen carefully and imitate the way native speakers pronounce words with final consonants.

6. Feedback and correction: Provide ongoing feedback and correction during speaking activities or individual practice sessions. Encourage students to self-monitor their pronunciation and correct themselves when they notice any omission of final sounds.

Remember, consistent practice and repetition are essential for improving pronunciation skills. Patience and encouragement from you as their teacher will go a long way in helping the students overcome this phonological issue.