I forgot to add these sentences. Thank you very much.

1) The rise in population caused an increase in the demand for clothes.
As more energy was needed to drive machinery, the steam engine (power?) was introduced (developed?).
2) The introduction of the steam engine enabled Britain to manufacture cloth more cheaply than elsewhere, though it put many people out of work.
3) This led to a shifting of the population from south to north, since it was rich in natural resources.
This brougt to the constructions of small towns to house the workers.
4) As there were no regulations concerning wages, working conditions, and hours of work, workers started to destroy machinery.
5) The worst of these episodes were due to the Luddites, whose name derived from Ned Ludd, the leader of the riots.
6) In order to protect machines and control te mob, the government decided to make machine-breaking punishable by death.

Are these collocations correct?
Increase/rise in, led to/caused, machinery/machines

3. "brougt" = brought OR This led to the construction of

5. The worst...was due

6. "te" = the



Wow! Talk about using an unusual word!!


I had to look it up!

Yes, the collocations in the sentences you provided are correct:

1) "The rise in population caused an increase in the demand for clothes."
- The collocation "rise in population" means an increase in the number of people living in a particular area.
- The collocation "increase in demand" means a rise in the amount of goods or services that people want to buy.

2) "The introduction of the steam engine enabled Britain to manufacture cloth more cheaply than elsewhere, though it put many people out of work."
- The collocation "introduction of the steam engine" refers to the act of bringing in or starting to use the steam engine.
- The collocation "manufacture cloth" means to produce cloth on a large scale.
- The collocation "put people out of work" means to cause people to lose their jobs.

3) "This led to a shifting of the population from south to north, since it was rich in natural resources."
- The collocation "led to" means to cause or result in something.
- The collocation "shifting of the population" means the movement or migration of people from one place to another.
- The collocation "rich in natural resources" refers to an area that has a plentiful supply of valuable materials found in nature.

4) "As there were no regulations concerning wages, working conditions, and hours of work, workers started to destroy machinery."
- The collocation "regulations concerning" means rules or laws that pertain to a specific subject.
- The collocation "working conditions" refers to the environment and circumstances in which people work.

5) "The worst of these episodes were due to the Luddites, whose name derived from Ned Ludd, the leader of the riots."
- The collocation "due to" means caused by or as a result of something.

6) "In order to protect machines and control the mob, the government decided to make machine-breaking punishable by death."
- The collocation "protect machines" means to safeguard or ensure the safety of machines.
- The collocation "control the mob" means to manage or handle a large group of people who are behaving in a disorderly or violent way.