
When two words act as a single modifier, or adjective, for a noun, this is called a/an ________.
a. compound modifier
b. coordinating conjunction
c. adverb modifier
d. prepositional phrase

a. compound modifier

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept being described. In this case, we are talking about two words that come together to modify a noun.

To find the answer, we can break down the options provided and evaluate their definitions.

a. compound modifier:
A compound modifier is made up of two or more words that work together to modify a noun. This fits the description given in the question.

b. coordinating conjunction:
A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses with the same importance. This does not align with the concept described in the question.

c. adverb modifier:
An adverb modifier is a word that modifies an adverb. This concept does not align with the question, which specifically mentions modifying a noun.

d. prepositional phrase:
A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its object. While prepositional phrases can modify nouns, they are not specifically mentioned in the question.

Based on these definitions, we can conclude that the correct answer is a. compound modifier, as it accurately describes the situation of two words acting together as a single modifier for a noun.