All 32 of students attended class on monday on tuesday 20 % attended. what is the percentage decrease?

100 - 20 = 80

To calculate the percentage decrease, you need to find the difference between the initial value and the final value, and then express that difference as a percentage of the initial value.

Let's break down the problem:

Initial number of students = 32 (all attended on Monday)
Final number of students = 20% attended on Tuesday

To find the percentage decrease, we need to subtract the final value from the initial value and then express this difference as a percentage of the initial value.

Step 1: Calculate the decrease in the number of students:
Decrease = Initial Value - Final Value
Decrease = 32 - (20% of 32)

To find 20% of 32, we can multiply 0.20 by 32:
20% of 32 = (0.20) x 32 = 6.4

Therefore, Decrease = 32 - 6.4 = 25.6

Step 2: Calculate the percentage decrease:
Percentage Decrease = (Decrease / Initial Value) x 100
Percentage Decrease = (25.6 / 32) x 100
Percentage Decrease ≈ 80%

So, the percentage decrease is approximately 80%.