What day of the week is 263 days from Monday? That is Monday 12-10-2007.

Is it Wednesday?

7 days later it is again the same day of the week, so it is convenient to define a new number system in which

7 = 0. It turns out that you can do arithmetic in this new number system in the same way as in the ordinary number system.

If 7 equals zero, you can subtract 7 and still have the same number. So:

10 = 3

If you square both sides:

100 = 9 = 2

multiply both sides by 2:

200 = 4

Now, if you remember your multiplication tables, 63 = 9*7 = 0. Therefore 263 = 200 = 4

This means that 263 later it will be 4 days later in the week, i.e. Friday.

To determine the day of the week that is 263 days from Monday, you can use the concept of modular arithmetic.

First, let's assign numbers to each day of the week: Monday = 0, Tuesday = 1, Wednesday = 2, and so on until Sunday = 6.

Next, add 263 days to the assigned number for Monday (0). We can do this by taking the sum mod 7, which means finding the remainder when dividing by 7.

0 + 263 mod 7 = 263 mod 7 = 1

The result is 1, which corresponds to Tuesday. Therefore, 263 days from Monday would be Tuesday.

So, the answer to your question is Tuesday, not Wednesday.