compare alexander the great to julius caesar


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They both were Assasinated and they both had omens

To compare Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, we need to delve into their background, achievements, military campaigns, ruling styles, and impact on history. Let's start by looking at Alexander the Great's and Julius Caesar's personal backgrounds:

1. Background:
- Alexander the Great: Born in 356 BC in Macedonia, Alexander was the son of King Philip II. He received an exceptional education from Aristotle, where he developed a love for learning and the arts.
- Julius Caesar: Born in 100 BC in Rome, Caesar came from a noble family. He received a solid education and showed early military talent during his service in various wars.

Now let's explore their achievements and military campaigns:

2. Military Campaigns and Conquests:
- Alexander the Great: Fueled by a desire to conquer the known world, Alexander embarked on a series of military campaigns from 334 BC until his death in 323 BC. He defeated the Persian Empire, conquered Egypt, went as far as India, and built the largest empire of his time.
- Julius Caesar: Caesar's military campaigns mostly took place between 58 BC and 50 BC. He conquered Gaul (modern-day France and Belgium), launched invasions of Britain, and solidified his authority in Rome through the Gallic Wars.

Moving on to their ruling style and impact:

3. Ruling and Impact:
- Alexander the Great: In addition to his military conquests, Alexander sought to blend Persian and Greek cultures, which became known as Hellenistic civilization. His empire crumbled after his death, and his influence left a lasting impact, especially on the spread of Greek culture.
- Julius Caesar: Caesar played a crucial role in transitioning the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. He implemented numerous reforms to address social and economic issues, but his assassination in 44 BC led to power struggles and ultimately the rise of the Roman Empire.

In summary, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar both accomplished remarkable military feats, expanding their respective empires. However, Alexander's conquests were more extensive geographically, while Caesar's impact on Rome's transition to an empire was more significant. Understanding their backgrounds, military campaigns, and legacies can help us compare and appreciate the different ways they shaped history.