Find the number of round trip commuter rail tickets sold.

1.Thirty times as many round trip tickets as 12 ride tickets were sold.

2.The total number of tickets sold represented 1440 rides

Example of chart below

Rides per ticket x Number of tickets sold = Total rides

12 ride ticket ? n ?
Round trip ticket ? ? ?

To find the number of round trip commuter rail tickets sold, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by filling out the chart given with the information given:

Rides per ticket x Number of tickets sold = Total rides

12 ride ticket ? n ?
Round trip ticket ? ? ?

2. We are told that the number of round trip tickets sold is thirty times as many as the number of 12 ride tickets sold. Let's denote the number of 12 ride tickets sold as "n". Therefore, we can fill out the first row of the chart as follows:

Rides per ticket x Number of tickets sold = Total rides

12 ride ticket 12 n 12n
Round trip ticket ? ? ?

3. We are also told that the total number of tickets sold represented 1440 rides. This means that the total number of rides from the 12 ride tickets and the round trip tickets together is 1440. So we can fill out the second row of the chart as follows:

Rides per ticket x Number of tickets sold = Total rides

12 ride ticket 12 n 12n
Round trip ticket ? ? 1440 - 12n

4. Finally, since each round trip ticket represents two rides (going and returning), we can divide the total number of rides represented by the round trip tickets (1440 - 12n) by 2 to get the number of round trip tickets sold:

Round trip ticket ? 1440 - 12n (1440 - 12n) / 2

Therefore, the number of round trip commuter rail tickets sold is (1440 - 12n) / 2.