Thank you very much. Where can I find exercises on the use of idioms, collocations and phrasal verbs?

Here are some other corrections I'd like you to check.

1. To represent the unspoken activity of the mind twenty-century writers adopted the interior monologue. (Better: ..writers adopted... to represent..)
2. The wind is described with human characteristics (?)
3. Women came after men (were inferior to men) and did home affairs (were in charge of the management of the house)
4. The sight of the flowers (Can you say "the sight of them") amazes the poet.
5.It was important for Victorians to attend the church, do charitable activity and have a comfortable house.

1. To represent the unspoken activity of the mind, twentieth-century writers adopted the interior monologue. (Better: ..writers adopted... to represent..) Either way works.

2. The wind is given human characteristics.

3. Women were considered inferior to men and took care of the management of the house.

4. The sight of the flowers (Can you say "the sight of them") amazes the poet. Either phrasing works.

5.It was important for Victorians to attend the church, do charitable activity, and have a comfortable house.
Several sections here should help.

To find exercises on the use of idioms, collocations, and phrasal verbs, you can try the following:

1. Online Resources: There are many websites that offer exercises and practice material for idioms, collocations, and phrasal verbs. Some popular options include English language learning platforms like Duolingo, Quizlet, and FluentU. Additionally, you can search for specific exercises on search engines like Google by using keywords such as "idiom exercises" or "phrasal verb practice."

2. English Language Learning Books: Purchase or borrow English language learning books that focus on advanced grammar topics. These books often provide exercises and explanations for idioms, collocations, and phrasal verbs, allowing you to practice and reinforce your understanding.

Regarding the corrections you've requested:

1. Your correction is correct. It should be "writers adopted... to represent..."

2. "The wind is described with human characteristics." This sentence is grammatically correct, but it might be more clear if you include an example or context of how the wind is described with human characteristics. For instance, "In the poem, the wind is described as a howling beast."

3. "Women came after men (were inferior to men) and did home affairs (were in charge of the management of the house)." This sentence seems to contain two separate statements. To clarify, you could rephrase it as: "Historically, women were regarded as inferior to men. Additionally, they were often assigned domestic responsibilities, such as managing household affairs."

4. "The sight of the flowers" is correct, and it does not require the phrase "sight of them." However, you could rephrase it as "The sight of them amazes the poet" if you want to use the pronoun "them" for emphasis or if you're referring to the flowers mentioned earlier in the context.

5. "It was important for Victorians to attend the church, do charitable activity, and have a comfortable house." This sentence is grammatically correct, but if you want to clarify what you mean by "do charitable activity," you could specify with examples, such as "engage in philanthropic acts" or "volunteer for charitable organizations." Additionally, you could create a parallel structure by using "to" before each action: "It was important for Victorians to attend church, to engage in charitable activity, and to have a comfortable house."