If tests are worth 90% & quizzes 10%. What is my average is my test average is a 83 & my quiz average is a 92?

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(0.9x 83)+(0.1 x 92) = ??

To calculate your average, you need to consider the weights assigned to each component. In this case, tests are worth 90% and quizzes are worth 10%.

First, calculate the weighted score for each component:
Test weighted score = test average * weight of tests = 83 * 0.9
Quiz weighted score = quiz average * weight of quizzes = 92 * 0.1

Next, add the weighted scores together to find your average:
Average = Test weighted score + Quiz weighted score = (83 * 0.9) + (92 * 0.1)

Let's calculate the values to find your average:

Test weighted score = 83 * 0.9 = 74.7
Quiz weighted score = 92 * 0.1 = 9.2

Now, add the weighted scores together:
Average = 74.7 + 9.2 = 83.9

Therefore, your average is 83.9.