A) What did President Ford do to try to ease turmoil in the United States? B) How did he try to ease tensions with other nations?

I answered your last two questions. Now it's your turn.

We'll be glad to critique your answers.

He pardoned Richard Nixon he wanted to spare the country the agony of a former president on trial. (Watergate)

A new regime in Cambodia seized the American merchant ship Mayaguez after the ship entered Cambodian waters. President Ford called the seizure an "act of piracy" He sent naval force and about 2,000 marines to free the crew of 39 sailors.


Yes. They are right.

Here's more information:

"In foreign affairs Ford acted vigorously to maintain U. S. power and prestige after the collapse of Cambodia and South Viet Nam. Preventing a new war in the Middle East remained a major objective; by providing aid to both Israel and Egypt, the Ford Administration helped persuade the two countries to accept an interim truce agreement. Detente with the Soviet Union continued. President Ford and Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev set new limitations upon nuclear weapons."


Yaay haha,

thanks Ms Sue
the information helped even more(;

You're welcome, Cathy.

A) In order to ease turmoil in the United States, President Ford took several significant actions:

1. Pardoning Nixon: President Ford's most controversial decision was to pardon his predecessor, Richard Nixon. By pardoning Nixon for any crimes he may have committed during the Watergate scandal, Ford aimed to put an end to the divisive and tumultuous events surrounding the controversy. However, this move also drew criticism from those who believed that Nixon should face legal consequences for his actions.

2. Promoting a policy of amnesty: President Ford pursued a policy of amnesty for Vietnam War draft dodgers and deserters. This was an attempt to heal the deep divide created by the Vietnam War, with Ford believing that forgiveness and reconciliation were crucial for national unity.

3. Economic policies: President Ford implemented various economic policies to address the rampant inflation and unemployment plaguing the country at the time. His administration introduced measures such as tax cuts to stimulate economic growth and curb inflation.

B) To ease tensions with other nations, President Ford primarily pursued a policy of engagement and diplomacy. Here are some key actions he took:

1. Helsinki Accords: President Ford played a critical role in the signing of the Helsinki Accords in 1975. These accords aimed to improve relations between the Western and Soviet-bloc nations, recognizing the post-World War II borders and emphasizing respect for human rights. The accords were an important step towards détente and reducing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

2. Reaching out to China: President Ford continued the policy of engagement with China initiated by his predecessor, President Nixon. In 1975, he visited China, marking the first-ever visit to the country by a sitting U.S. president. This visit helped to normalize relations between the two nations and paved the way for future cooperation.

3. Nuclear arms control: President Ford pursued arms control agreements with the Soviet Union, aiming to reduce the nuclear arms race and ease tensions between the two superpowers. Although progress was limited during his presidency, these efforts laid the groundwork for future arms control treaties.

To learn more about President Ford's specific actions and the context surrounding them, you can refer to historical records, books, documentaries, and online resources on his presidency and policies.