The purpose of an agenda is to: (Points: 5)

a) select a meeting location.
b) list items to be discussed by the group.
c) control the discussion carried on by the participants.
d) decide who will facilitate the meeting.

is b correct or not so sure of this one...any other opinions please

b = correct

than you so much

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can analyze the purpose and characteristics of an agenda. An agenda is a written plan or outline for a meeting that serves as a guide for the participants. It helps ensure that the meeting stays focused and organized.

Option (a) "select a meeting location" is not the purpose of an agenda. While the meeting location may be included in the agenda, it is not the main reason for having one.

Option (c) "control the discussion carried on by the participants" is partially correct. An agenda helps control the discussion to some extent by providing a structure and order for the topics to be discussed. However, controlling the discussion is not the primary purpose of an agenda.

Option (d) "decide who will facilitate the meeting" is not the purpose of an agenda. The facilitator's role may be indicated on the agenda, but it is not the primary purpose.

Option (b) "list items to be discussed by the group" is the most accurate and widely recognized purpose of an agenda. It is the primary reason why agendas are used in meetings. The agenda outlines the topics or items that will be discussed, allowing participants to come prepared and ensuring that all relevant subjects are covered.

Therefore, the correct answer is (b) "list items to be discussed by the group."

It's always helpful to read the options carefully and think about the main purpose of the concept being discussed in order to arrive at the correct answer.