Indiviuals can be denied credit for a number of reasons, Individuals who are near limit on existing cards, have to much outstandind debt or too many accounts overall, have a history of a late payments, charge off or bankruptucy are likely to be denied credit. Individuals denied credit, by law, willreceive a letter documenting the reason for the denial under the fair credit reporting act. Individuals who receive that letter should then examine the reaSON FOR THE DENial and make efforts to correct their credit. #5 Avoiding and managing debt is hard things cost so much that its hard not to spend more tham you make. The bills pile up, the utilities cost alot and going to the grocery store is expensive too. Then once those bills are paid, someone in the family gets hurt and needs to go to the doctor, or an unexpected bill comes in like car tags or something we are told to just use cash and not use credit cards to help stay out of debt.Whos going to pay those extra monthly bills if iyts not the credit cards? Avoiding and managing is too hard.

What is your question?

Are these supposed to be the two paragraphs that you said you need to study?

they is 5 paragraphs but im suppose to identify which 2 paragraphs was more effective, focusing on the writing elements rather than the opinions presentes. i didn't want to have to type all 5 paragraphs

Do you think this is the most effective?


yes its more effective do to the situation of the ecomomy we are in today. The paragraph should include more information on how someone is drnied credit

Good thoughts.

But why is this more effective than the other paragraphs?

This is the assignment you posted earlier.

I have to identify which of the two selected pharagraphs was more effective, focusing on the writing elements rather than the opinions presented.

because the other paragraphs talk about wills and credit scores and avoiding and managing debts

focusing on the writing elements

You have been referring to the content of the paragraph, not to the writing elements ... unless I don't understand what is meant by "writing elements."


maybe im not understanding it

You need to go back into your course materials or textbook and find a good definition of "writing elements" -- unless you are crystal clear on what that term means, you won't be able to do this assignment correctly.