Just to be sure that everything is OK.

1) Explain the meaning of the word compromise (written in italics) applied to the Victorian way of life. Then outline briefly the main features of Victorian society.

2) I'm e-mailing to you (I'm sending you this e-mail; are both possible?) because I need to have further information about our hotel accommodation.

1. OK

2. "I'm e-mailing to you (I'm sending you this e-mail; are both possible?)" = yes, both are possible IF you remove "to" in the first phrasing. Then just decide which you want to use.

1) To understand the meaning of the word "compromise" as applied to the Victorian way of life, we need to first define the term. Compromise generally refers to a situation where opposing parties agree to settle their differences by finding a middle ground or making concessions.

In the context of the Victorian era, compromise was a significant aspect of the societal norms and values. It reflected the delicate balance between traditional values and progressive ideas. The Victorian society placed great importance on morality, social order, and respectability, while also experiencing notable advancements and changes during the Industrial Revolution.

Some key features of Victorian society include:

- Social hierarchy: Victorian society was highly structured and stratified, with social classes ranging from the upper class (aristocracy and wealthy businessmen) to the working class, who formed the majority.

- Moral values: Emphasis was placed on maintaining proper moral conduct, including sexual modesty, conservatism, and adherence to social norms.

- Gender roles: Victorian society upheld strict gender roles, where men were dominant in public life while women were expected to focus on domestic duties and motherhood. However, towards the end of the era, the suffrage movement gained momentum, challenging these roles.

- Industrialization and urbanization: The period saw rapid industrialization, leading to the growth of cities and the rise of the working class. This fueled social and economic changes but also brought challenges and exploitation of the working class.

- Imperialism: The height of the British Empire occurred during the Victorian era, leading to increased colonialism and the spread of British influence across the globe.

2) Both phrases, "I'm e-mailing to you" and "I'm sending you this email", are correct and commonly used when referring to the act of sending an email to someone. The choice between the two would depend on personal preference and style.