Good day! I actually just have one question and I have been looking at links and everything, but i still don't understand>>>>... "What abiotic factors seem to be the greatest determinants of terrestrial biome locations?"

sun, precipitation, rocks, soil, temperature

Good day! Understanding the abiotic factors that determine the locations of terrestrial biomes is important to grasp the distribution patterns of different ecosystems on land. Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem that influence the organisms living in that environment. In the case of terrestrial biomes, several abiotic factors play significant roles in determining their locations.

To find out which abiotic factors have the greatest influence on terrestrial biome locations, a good starting point is to research the key characteristics of different biomes. This information will give you insights into the specific abiotic factors that are crucial for each biome.

Here's a step-by-step method to approach your question:

1. Identify the major terrestrial biomes: Familiarize yourself with the different types of terrestrial biomes, such as tropical rainforests, grasslands, deserts, temperate forests, etc. Understanding their general characteristics will form a basis for your research.

2. Research the characteristics: Explore the unique features and conditions of each biome. Pay attention to abiotic factors like temperature, precipitation, soil type, sunlight, and topography. These factors are known to be significant determinants of biome distribution.

3. Compare abiotic factors across biomes: Once you have a good understanding of the abiotic characteristics for each biome, compare them side by side. Look for patterns and differences in the values of abiotic factors across different biomes.

4. Analyze data and scientific studies: Look for scientific studies, research papers, or academic articles that specifically investigate the influence of abiotic factors on terrestrial biome locations. These sources will provide you with more in-depth analysis and conclusions drawn from empirical data.

5. Consider secondary factors: While analyzing the abiotic factors, it's important to note that some factors may indirectly influence the distribution of biomes. For example, proximity to water bodies or the presence of mountain ranges can also affect the climate and availability of resources in a particular area.

Remember, understanding the influence of abiotic factors on terrestrial biome locations requires a comprehensive review of available information, scientific research, and ecological principles. With a systematic approach to research, you will gather the necessary knowledge to answer your question more effectively.