which one is better?

In my opinion, for a high school student, Don Quixote reads better.

Determining which book is better is subjective and can vary depending on personal preferences and individual experiences. However, if you're looking for guidance on how to compare and choose between books, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Consider the genre: Are you interested in classic literature, like Don Quixote, or do you prefer a different genre? Identify your preferences, as this will play a significant role in your enjoyment of the book.

2. Research the author: Take some time to learn about the authors of the books you are considering. Look into their writing style, themes, and reputation. This can help you understand their approach and determine which style resonates with you more.

3. Read summaries and reviews: Look for summaries and reviews of both books to understand the plot, characters, and overall themes. By reading other people's perspectives, you can get an idea of what to expect and make an informed decision.

4. Consider your personal interests and background: Think about your personal experiences, interests, and beliefs. A book that aligns with your passions or touches on topics you find interesting may leave a more significant impact on you.

5. Read sample chapters: If possible, read a few sample chapters from both books. This can help you gauge the writing style, language, and pacing, allowing you to make an initial connection with the text.

Ultimately, the decision between Don Quixote or any other book will depend on your personal taste and what resonates with you. It's essential to trust your own judgment and choose a book that you feel excited about diving into and exploring.