By providing shelves low enough for children to select mateials you encourage the development of

(a)social skills
(b)solitary play

And your answer is?

i put c but not sure can you help please

What do you think "select" implies? Surely not cleaning.

is it d then

Right. Making materials accessible to children encourages their independence.

By providing shelves low enough for children to select materials, you encourage the development of (a) social skills, (c) cleanliness, and (d) independence.

To understand why these outcomes are promoted, let's break down each option:

(a) Social skills: By having shelves at a height accessible to children, they are given the opportunity to interact with their peers while engaging in material selection. This fosters communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills as they share and exchange ideas with others. It also encourages turn-taking, sharing, and learning how to interact in a social setting.

(c) Cleanliness: When children have easy access to shelves and materials at their level, they can independently select and return items. This promotes organizational skills and a sense of responsibility, as it encourages children to tidy up after themselves and maintain a clean and organized environment.

(d) Independence: Having shelves at a lower height empowers children to make choices and decisions independently. They can explore and select materials based on their own interests and preferences, fostering their autonomy and self-reliance. It also gives them a sense of control and ownership over their learning experiences.

In conclusion, by providing low shelves for children to access materials, you support the development of social skills, cleanliness, and independence.