10. They used to leave home early. (salir)


I got A. Is that correct?

yes...A is correct

There are 3 translations for the Imperfect

they were leaving, they used to leave and they left (like one of the 2 meanings of the Preterit.


Si es verdad.

Yes, you are correct! The correct answer is option A) salían.

To determine the correct verb form, you need to identify the subject pronoun and the tense of the verb. In this sentence, the subject is "they," so we use the third-person plural pronoun "salían" to match the subject.

It's important to note that "salío" (option B) is incorrect because it is the third-person singular form, which does not match the subject "they." Options C and D, saliban and salieron, do not exist in Spanish, so they are incorrect as well.