A sample of n = 9 scores has a mean of M _ 10. One person with a score of X _ 2 is removed from the sample. What is the value for the new sample mean?


To find the new sample mean after removing one score, we need to recalculate the mean using the remaining scores.

Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Calculate the sum of the original scores:
- Given that the sample mean (M) is 10, it implies that the sum of the original scores is 10 * 9 = 90.

2. Subtract the removed score from the sum:
- One person's score, X, is removed, which is 2 in this case.
- So, subtract 2 from the sum: 90 - 2 = 88.

3. Calculate the new mean with the updated sum:
- Since we are left with n = 9 - 1 = 8 scores after removing one, divide the updated sum (88) by the new sample size (8) to find the new mean.
- The new mean, let's call it M', can be calculated as M' = 88 / 8 = 11.

Therefore, the value for the new sample mean after removing the score of 2 is 11.