PLS I NEED POINTS TO WRITE THIS DEBATE. Write against the motion ' The use of mobile phones by second cycle institution boarding students is essential '.

Perhaps forbidding mobile phones will help eliminate bad behaviors.

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write your argument either for against the motion Boys should not help in the kitchen

To gather points for writing against the motion "The use of mobile phones by second cycle institution boarding students is essential," follow these steps:

1. Identify the arguments against the use of mobile phones by boarding students:
a. Distraction: Mobile phones can divert students' attention away from their studies and cause a decline in academic performance.
b. Social isolation: Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to decreased social interaction among students, affecting their communication skills and causing feelings of loneliness.
c. Cyberbullying: The access to mobile phones opens up opportunities for cyberbullying, leading to potential emotional harm and negative psychological effects on students.
d. Health issues: Excessive screen time on mobile phones can have adverse effects on students' physical and mental health, including eye strain, poor posture, sleep disturbances, and addiction.

2. Support your arguments with evidence:
a. Collect reliable statistics and studies showcasing the negative impact of mobile phone usage on academic performance.
b. Find case studies or testimonials from boarding schools that have implemented mobile phone restrictions and witnessed improvements in students' academic performance and overall well-being.
c. Refer to research on the negative consequences of cyberbullying and provide examples or real-life incidents to support your claim.
d. Cite medical research on the potential health risks associated with prolonged mobile phone usage, such as blue light exposure and musculoskeletal issues.

3. Organize your points:
a. Create a clear and concise introduction where you state your position against the motion.
b. Develop each argument against mobile phone usage in separate paragraphs, providing evidence and examples for each.
c. Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and re-emphasizing why the use of mobile phones by second cycle institution boarding students is not essential.

Remember to maintain a balanced and persuasive tone while presenting your arguments. Good luck with your debate!