The text summarizes positive psychology as being aware that humans are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. What does this statement mean to you? Do you agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of their personal and social worlds?

Note that the question asks what YOU think. After post your thoughts, some one will be glad to critique it.


As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide an explanation based on the statement you mentioned.

The statement suggests that positive psychology recognizes that humans have dual roles in shaping their personal and social worlds.

Firstly, humans are creatures, which implies that we are influenced by various factors such as genetics, biology, and environment. As creatures, we have certain innate tendencies, emotions, and needs that impact our experiences and interactions with the world. These factors shape our personal world, including our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

On the other hand, humans are also creators, implying that we actively shape and construct our personal and social worlds. As creators, we have the ability to make choices, set goals, and exert our influence on the environment and relationships. We have the capacity to learn, adapt, and grow, which enables us to shape our personal and social realities to some extent.

Positive psychology acknowledges the interplay between these aspects - being influenced by our circumstances and biology (as creatures) while also having agency and influence over our experiences, relationships, and environment (as creators). It emphasizes the importance of understanding and leveraging both of these roles to promote well-being and positive change.

Whether or not one agrees with this statement is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some might find this statement empowering, as it highlights our potential to actively construct our personal and social realities. Others might feel that external factors have a stronger influence and limit our agency in shaping our worlds.