Could you please explain to me why the first sentence is wrong? How can I improve it? Obsesses or haunted in sentence 2? Can you please check the rest?

1)As for Shelley's Frankenstein, both Doctor Frankenstein and his creature are complementary: they both suffer from a sense of alienation and isolation, both begin with a desire to be good but become obsessed with hate and revenge.
2) Though Dr Frankenstein initially flees from his creature, he is constantly oppressed (haunted ?) by the monster's presence. This oppression turns into a nightmare when he fails to fashion a mate for his creature.
3) In the Romantic Age nature ceased to be considered as a philosophical entity. On the contrary, it came to be felt as a real living being and to be described as it actually was.
4) In particular, Wordsworth had a pantheistic view of nature, according to which nature was moved by a Mighty Spirit, whose presence was manifest in every stone and tree.
5) She was therefore a living presence speaking to all those who were able to enter into intimate relationship with her and understand her language.
6) It was then through a fusion with nature, and through a quiet contemplation of her beauty, that man could rediscover the image of God and become aware of his inner life, since Man and Nature fitted together perfectly as parts of one Mighty Mind.

1)As for Shelley's Frankenstein, both Doctor Frankenstein and his creature are complementary: They both suffer from a sense of alienation and isolation, and both begin with a desire to be good but become obsessed with hate and revenge.

2) Though Dr Frankenstein initially flees from his creature, he is constantly troubled by the monster's presence. This troubled feeling turns into a nightmare when he fails to fashion a mate for his creature.

3) In the Romantic Age, nature ceased to be considered as a philosophical entity. On the contrary, it came to be felt as a real living being and to be described as it actually was.

4) In particular, Wordsworth had a pantheistic view of nature, according to which nature was moved by a Mighty Spirit, whose presence was manifest in every stone and tree.

5) She was therefore a living presence, speaking to all those who were able to enter into an intimate relationship with her and understand her language.

6) It was then, through a fusion with nature and a quiet contemplation of her beauty, that man could rediscover the image of God and become aware of his inner life, since Man and Nature fitted together perfectly as parts of one Mighty Mind.

(You need to be consistent throughout -- either Nature or nature -- don't mix them up.)

1) The first sentence is problematic because it is not grammatically correct. One possible improvement would be: "In Shelley's Frankenstein, both Doctor Frankenstein and his creature are complementary characters who experience a sense of alienation and isolation. While they initially have good intentions, both characters become consumed by obsession, hate, and the desire for revenge."

2) In sentence 2, "oppressed" is a more suitable word choice than "haunted" to convey the constant burden or weight that the monster's presence has on Dr. Frankenstein. Thus, the sentence would read: "Though Dr. Frankenstein initially flees from his creature, he is constantly oppressed by the monster's presence. This oppression turns into a nightmare when he fails to fashion a mate for his creature."

3) The third sentence seems to be accurate and well-written. It conveys the shift in perception of nature during the Romantic Age.

4) Sentence 4 also appears to be factually correct. It explains Wordsworth's pantheistic perspective on nature and how he saw it as imbued with a divine presence.

5) Sentence 5 is a coherent statement that expresses how nature was seen as a living presence that could communicate with those who could understand its language.

6) Sentence 6 presents the idea that through a harmonious connection with nature and contemplation of its beauty, humanity could rediscover the divine and become more aware of their own inner lives. It suggests that humans and nature are interconnected components of a greater consciousness.