what are thr proper subsets of (march,april, may)

The proper subsets of A:{b,c,d} contain any combination of b,c, d and nothing else, except b,c,d. That is A is not a proper subset of A.

For example, {b,c} is a proper subset of A, so is {a}.
For any set X which contains n elements, there are 2^n-1 proper subsets, including ∅, and excluding X itself. Therefore for set A with three elements, you should be able to find 2^3-1=7 proper subsets.

To determine the proper subsets of the set (March, April, May), we need to consider all possible combinations of the elements in the set, excluding the empty set and the set itself.

Here's how you can find the proper subsets:

1. Start by considering subsets with only one element:
- (March)
- (April)
- (May)

2. Next, consider subsets with two elements:
- (March, April)
- (March, May)
- (April, May)

3. Finally, consider subsets with all three elements:
- (March, April, May)

Note: The empty set {} is not considered a proper subset, and the set itself (March, April, May) is also not a proper subset.

So, the proper subsets of (March, April, May) are:
- (March)
- (April)
- (May)
- (March, April)
- (March, May)
- (April, May)