rationalize the denominator 12 over 5 pie 90

odd question, however, PI is an irrational number.


so to change the denominator so it does not have an irrational number (PI) in it...

There is nothing that can be done.

To rationalize the denominator of a fraction means to eliminate any irrational numbers, such as π (pi), from the denominator.

In this case, you have the fraction 12/(5π/90). To rationalize the denominator, we need to get rid of π.

To do that, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate of 5π/90 is 5π/90.

Let's rationalize the denominator step-by-step:

1. Rewrite the fraction: 12/(5π/90).
2. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of 5π/90, which is 90/5π.
- Numerator: 12 × 90 = 1080.
- Denominator: (5π/90) × (90/5π) = 1.
3. The rationalized fraction is 1080/1, which simplifies to just 1080.

Therefore, the rationalized form of 12/(5π/90) is simply 1080.