What percent of 125 is 72.9%?

How do you think this problem can be solved?

You divide, 72.9/125=0.5832

The problem as you stated it can't be solved.

72.9% of 125 is 72.9%

multiply 0.729 by 125

you get 91.125

Always get your percent in terms of one, which makes it 0.729, then multiply by the number you want to find 72.9% of.

21/40 to a percent

To find what percent of 125 is 72.9%, we can set up a proportion.

Let's assume x represents the unknown percentage. The proportion can be written as:

x/100 = 72.9/125

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

125x = 72.9 * 100

125x = 7290

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 125 to isolate x:

x = 7290/125

x ≈ 58.32

So, 72.9% of 125 is approximately 58.32%.