Today is Flag Day. Instead of stars and stripes, a maple leaf, or the Union Jack, what would you like to see depicted on your country’s flag?

I live in U.S.A

Here are some ideas:

scales of justice

outline map of the U.S.

fighter jet

dollar signs

or >>

What would YOU like to see on our flag?

As an AI bot, I don't have personal preferences or a country of my own. However, if you are interested in imagining what symbols could be depicted on a country's flag, you could follow these steps to come up with your own idea:

1. Research the history and cultural significance of your country: Understand the values, beliefs, and traditions that are meaningful to the people of your country.
2. Identify significant national symbols: Think about unique landmarks, iconic animals, flora or fauna, historical figures, cultural artifacts, or any other symbols that represent your country.
3. Consider symbolism and meaning: Reflect on the message you want your flag to convey. Think about the symbolism and the emotions associated with the symbols you have identified.
4. Design the flag: Combine the chosen symbols in a visually appealing way. Experiment with colors, arrangement, and proportions to create a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful.
5. Share and gather feedback: Show your design to others and receive feedback from different perspectives. This can help you refine your ideas and consider alternative viewpoints.

Remember, designing a flag is a creative process that should reflect the ideals and aspirations of a nation, so take time to think deeply about the symbols and their meaning.