What are some things that the Cherokee have contributed to..?

Or what are their contributions?

The Cherokee people, like many indigenous communities, have made significant contributions in various fields. Here are some of their notable contributions:

1. Language: The Cherokee language, often referred to as Tsalagi, is an Iroquoian language with a unique syllabary writing system. The invention of this writing system by Sequoyah, a Cherokee silversmith, in the early 19th century, allowed the Cherokee people to have a written language of their own. This achievement greatly strengthened their cultural identity and ensured the preservation of their stories and customs.

To learn more about the Cherokee language, you can explore resources such as Cherokee language classes, dictionaries, or online materials specifically designed to teach the language. Additionally, communities or organizations that promote Cherokee language preservation may offer courses or resources.

2. Music and Dance: Cherokee traditional music plays a significant role in their cultural expression. Their music is characterized by traditional instruments like flutes, drums, and rattles, and features unique rhythms and vocal styles. For instance, the "Friendship Dance" or "Stomp Dance" is a traditional Cherokee dance that is both ceremonial and social in nature.

To explore Cherokee music and dance, you can research recordings of traditional songs or attend cultural events where Cherokee artists perform. Additionally, some educational institutions or cultural centers may offer classes or workshops on Cherokee music and dance.

3. Agriculture and Food: The Cherokee people have a rich agricultural tradition and are known for cultivating various crops such as corn, beans, and squash, also known as the "Three Sisters." They developed sophisticated farming techniques that helped sustain their communities and influenced agricultural practices in the region.

To learn about Cherokee agriculture and food practices, you can read books or articles about Cherokee farming methods and traditional culinary practices. Additionally, visiting Cherokee cultural institutions or attending cultural events focused on food and agriculture can provide firsthand insights.

4. Governance and Diplomacy: The Cherokee Nation has a long history of effective governance and diplomacy. They developed a constitution and a centralized government system, which included a principal chief and an elected council. The Cherokee Nation participated in negotiations and treaties with European colonizers and the United States government.

To further explore Cherokee governance and diplomacy, you can study historical records, treaties, and legal documents related to Cherokee sovereignty and governmental practices. Books, academic articles, and documentaries can provide valuable information on this topic.

Remember, these contributions are just a few examples, and the Cherokee people's heritage and accomplishments extend much further. Exploring Cherokee history, art, literature, medicine, and other areas will provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of their contributions to the world.