were having an exam soon,

can you list all the formulas needed..pls?
i might've missed some, i just want to make shure.

No. I have no idea what you studied. There might have been some geometry, such as area and volume formulas, and the Pythaqorean Theorem.

There might have been the rules of associative, commutative and distributive operations.

There might have been the quadratic equation of algebra.


Of course! It's great that you want to make sure you have all the necessary formulas for your exam. However, since I don't know which subject or topic you're referring to, I'll provide you with a general checklist of steps to help you gather the formulas you need:

1. Review your course syllabus: Start by going through your course syllabus or exam outline. Professors often provide a list of topics that will be covered in the exam, which can give you an idea of the required formulas.

2. Go through your lecture notes: Review your lecture notes thoroughly. Look for any formulas that your professor emphasized during their lectures or wrote on the board. These are often key formulas that you should know for the exam.

3. Check your textbooks: Review the relevant chapters in your textbooks. Look for any formulas highlighted or explained in the text. Textbooks usually provide valuable formulas and equations that are crucial for understanding the subject.

4. Consult study guides or textbooks: If you have access to study guides or textbooks specifically designed for exams, they can be a great resource to find important formulas. These materials often summarize the key concepts and formulas for each topic.

5. Collaborate with classmates: Discuss the exam with your classmates and see if they have any additional formulas on their lists. Sometimes, others may have caught something you missed.

6. Consult online resources: There are many reputable online resources available that provide subject-specific formulas. Websites, video tutorials, or even online forums can be valuable sources to fill in any gaps in your formula list. Be sure to use reliable sources such as educational websites, trustworthy textbooks, or reputable online platforms.

Remember, the specific formulas you'll need for your exam depend on the subject and topic being covered. By following these steps, you'll be able to compile a comprehensive list of formulas to study for your upcoming exam. Good luck!