Battle of Chanellorsville 1863....of all the battles fought by Robert E. Lee through 1863, this battle was his most impressive I correct ?

Yes, you are correct. The Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863 was indeed one of Robert E. Lee's most impressive victories during the American Civil War. Lee, who was the commanding general of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, achieved a significant tactical success in this battle.

To understand why the Battle of Chancellorsville is considered such an impressive victory for Lee, we must examine the circumstances and outcome of the battle. Here's how you can familiarize yourself with the details:

1. Context: Start by researching the context of the battle. Understand the overall situation of the war in 1863, the strategic importance of Chancellorsville, and the objectives of both the Confederate and Union armies.

2. Troop deployment: Study the deployment of troops and the initial strategies employed by both Lee and his Union counterpart, General Joseph Hooker. This will give you an understanding of their respective plans and the initial stages of the battle.

3. Lee's risky decision: Look into Lee's audacious decision to divide his army, sending General Stonewall Jackson on a flanking march to attack the Union army from an unexpected direction. This bold move caught the Union forces off-guard and contributed to Lee's success.

4. Stonewall Jackson's role: Explore how General Stonewall Jackson executed the flanking maneuver with remarkable speed and precision. His attack on the Union's right flank was a key factor in the Confederate victory.

5. Union setbacks: Understand the mistakes made by General Hooker and the Union army during the battle, including their failure to anticipate Lee's actions and the lack of coordination in their defense. These missteps helped contribute to Lee's success.

6. Outcome: Examine the final outcome of the battle, including the Confederate victory and the consequences for both armies. Assess the strategic impact of Lee's triumph at Chancellorsville on the course of the war.

By researching these aspects, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Battle of Chancellorsville and why it is considered one of Robert E. Lee's most remarkable victories.