E08twelve - ? = 9twelve

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To solve the equation E08twelve - ? = 9twelve, we need to determine the value of the missing number represented by the question mark.

Since the terms involve the "twelve" notation, we should convert them to their corresponding decimal values. In the "twelve" notation, each digit position is multiplied by twelve to the power of its position. Here's how to convert the terms:

E08twelve = (E × 12^2) + (0 × 12^1) + (8 × 12^0) = (14 × 144) + (0 × 12) + (8 × 1) = 2016 + 0 + 8 = 2024

9twelve = (9 × 12^1) + (1 × 12^0) = (9 × 12) + (1 × 1) = 108 + 1 = 109

So the equation becomes 2024 - ? = 109. To find the value of the question mark, we can rearrange the equation to isolate the missing number:

2024 - ? = 109

Subtract 109 from both sides:

2024 - 109 - ? = 109 - 109
1915 - ? = 0

Now subtract 1915 from both sides:

1915 - ? - 1915 = 0 - 1915
-? = -1915

Finally, multiply both sides by -1 to solve for ?:

-1 × -? = -1 × -1915
? = 1915

Therefore, the missing number represented by the question mark is 1915.