what is an overt behavior???

what is a covert behavior???
what is the difference between overt and covert behavior???
how to assess a person with this kind of behaviors???
thanks a lot for having your time to answer this question...

Overt = not hidden


Covert = hidden

Overt behaviors are easy to assess; you can see them; they aren't hidden.

Covert behaviors are not easy to assess since they cannot be seen.
I went to www.google.com and entered assess covert behavior, and here are the results:

here are examples of covert and overt dating behaviours.


An overt behavior refers to an action or behavior that is directly observable by others. It can include behaviors such as speaking, writing, walking, or any other action that can be seen or heard by others.

On the other hand, a covert behavior refers to an action or behavior that cannot be directly observed by others. These behaviors occur internally and are not easily visible to others. Examples of covert behaviors include thoughts, emotions, and mental processes.

The main difference between overt and covert behavior is whether the behavior is visible or not. Overt behaviors are actions that can be directly observed, while covert behaviors occur internally and are not easily observable by others.

Assessing a person with overt or covert behaviors can be done through various methods, depending on the behavior being observed. Here are a few approaches:

1. Direct observation: For overt behaviors, you can directly observe and note the specific behaviors displayed by the person. This can involve paying attention to their actions, body language, and verbal expressions.

2. Self-report questionnaires: For both overt and covert behaviors, self-report questionnaires can be used. These questionnaires ask individuals to report their own thoughts, feelings, or experiences. This can provide insight into their covert behaviors.

3. Interviews: Conducting interviews with the person can help gather additional information about their behaviors. Open-ended questions can be asked to encourage them to openly express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

4. Behavioral analysis: This involves gathering data about the behaviors over a period of time. This can be done through observation or self-reported data. By analyzing patterns, frequencies, and intensities of the behaviors, you can gain a better understanding of the person's overt and covert behaviors.

It's important to note that assessing individuals with overt and covert behaviors can be complex, and it's often beneficial to seek the assistance of a trained professional, such as a psychologist or therapist.

You're welcome! I'm here to help, so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.