You walk 1130m east and then 950m south in a total time of 22min .

Compute your displacement.
Enter the east and south components of the displacement separated by a comma.
Compute your average velocity in m/s .

Enter the east and south components of the velocity separated by a comma.

D(X,Y) = D(1130,-950)m.

tanA = Y/X = -950/1130 = -8407,
A = -40.05 Deg, CW = -40.05 + 360 = 320
Deg, CCW.

D = X/cosA = 1130 / cos320 = 1475m @
320 deg = Displacement.

t = 22min * 60s/min = 1320s.

V = D/t = 1475m @ 320deg / 1320s =
1.12m/s @ 320deg.

V(h) = 1.12cos320 = 0.856m/s = hor comp. of Velocity.

V(v) = 1.12sin320 = -0.720m/s = ver
comp of Velocity.


To compute the displacement, we can use the Pythagorean theorem. The east and south components can be calculated by finding the lengths of the sides of a right triangle formed by the east and south distances.

East Component:
To find the east component, we can use the east distance, which is 1130m.

South Component:
To find the south component, we can use the south distance, which is 950m.

Using the Pythagorean theorem:
Displacement = √(east component^2 + south component^2)

Let's calculate the displacement:
Displacement = √(1130^2 + 950^2)
Displacement ≈ √(1276900 + 902500)
Displacement ≈ √(2189400)
Displacement ≈ 1479.35 m

Therefore, the displacement is approximately 1479.35m.

Now, let's compute the average velocity in m/s.

Average velocity = displacement / time

We have already calculated the displacement as 1479.35m. The total time spent is given as 22 minutes. To convert it into seconds, we need to multiply it by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute).

Total time = 22 min x 60 s/min
Total time = 1320 s

Average velocity = 1479.35m / 1320s
Average velocity ≈ 1.12 m/s

Therefore, the average velocity is approximately 1.12 m/s.

So, the east and south components of the displacement are 1130m and -950m, and the east and south components of the velocity are 1.12 m/s and 0 m/s, respectively.