a stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity v0. the distance travelled by it in time 1.5v0/g

To find the distance traveled by the stone in time 1.5v0/g, where v0 is the initial velocity and g is the acceleration due to gravity, we can use the basic kinematic equation for vertical motion.

The equation is:

h = v0 * t - 0.5 * g * t^2

h is the height (distance traveled)
v0 is the initial velocity
g is the acceleration due to gravity
t is the time

Given that the time is 1.5v0/g, we can substitute this value into the equation:

h = v0 * (1.5v0/g) - 0.5 * g * (1.5v0/g)^2

Simplifying the equation further:

h = (1.5v0^2/g) - (0.5 * g * (2.25v0^2/g^2))

h = (1.5v0^2/g) - (1.125v0^2/g)

h = (1.5 - 1.125) * v0^2/g

h = 0.375 * v0^2/g

Therefore, the distance traveled by the stone in time 1.5v0/g is 0.375 times the square of the initial velocity divided by the acceleration due to gravity.

To solve this problem, we need to use the equations of motion for motion under constant acceleration.

In this case, the stone is thrown vertically upward, so the acceleration is due to gravity and is equal to -9.8 m/s^2 (assuming we're on Earth and neglecting air resistance).

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Find the time taken to reach the maximum height.

When the stone reaches its maximum height, its final velocity will be zero. We can use the equation of motion to find the time taken to reach this point:

v = u + at

Since the stone is thrown upward with an initial velocity of v0, we have:
0 = v0 - 9.8t

Rearranging the equation to solve for time (t), we get:
t = v0 / 9.8

Step 2: Find the total time of flight.

The total time of flight is the time it takes for the stone to go up to the maximum height and then fall back to the ground. Since the stone reaches its maximum height in half of the total flight time, we can calculate the total time using the following equation:

Total time = 2 * (time taken to reach maximum height)

Total time = 2 * (v0 / 9.8)

Step 3: Find the distance traveled in time 1.5(v0/g).

Now we have the total time of flight. We need to find the distance traveled in this specified time duration.

The distance traveled in a certain time (t) can be calculated using the equation of motion:

s = ut + (1/2)at^2

Substituting the values:
s = v0 * (1.5v0 / 9.8) + (1/2) * (-9.8) * (1.5v0 / 9.8)^2

Simplifying, we get:
s = 1.5v0^2 / 9.8 + 0.5 * 1.5^2 * v0^2 / (9.8^2)

s = 1.5v0^2 / 9.8 + 0.5 * 1.5^2 * v0^2 / 9.8^2

s = (1.5/9.8 + 0.5 * 1.5^2 / 9.8^2) * v0^2

Therefore, the distance traveled by the stone in time 1.5(v0/g) is ((1.5/9.8) + (0.5 * 1.5^2 / 9.8^2)) * v0^2.

In time Vo/g it teaches maximum height, H = Vo^2/(2g)

In an additional time 0.5 Vo/g, it will come part way back down. The distance it falls in that time is
(1/2)g*(0.5Vo/g)^2 = (1/8)(Vo^2/g) = H/4

The total distance travelled is (5/4)H and the total displacement is (3/4)H