mandy used a square card board to make an open box by cutting small squares from its corners and then bending the sides.The lenght of the side of the the card board used 60cm.question How would you represent the lenght of the sideof the box formed

It will depend upon how high (h) you make the sides of the box.

The box side length would be 60 - 2h

To represent the length of the side of the box formed, we need to determine the dimensions of the square cardboard after the small squares are cut from its corners. Here's how we can do that:

1. Let's assume that the length of the side of the small square cut from each corner is "x" centimeters.
2. Since the cardboard is initially a square, all four sides have the same length of 60cm.
3. After cutting the small squares from the corners, the remaining sides of the cardboard will consist of the original side length minus twice the length of the cut square (2x).
4. Since there are two sides being cut, the new length of the side will be 60cm - 2x.

Therefore, the length of the side of the box formed is represented by the expression "60cm - 2x".