What transportation vessel and animal are on the family crest of the McDonalds of Scotland ? (Mr. G's ancestors)

boats ships???

A COW???

To find out what transportation vessel and animal are on the family crest of the McDonalds of Scotland, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information on the McDonalds family crest of Scotland. This can be done through a search engine like Google, by entering terms such as "McDonalds family crest Scotland" or "McDonalds clan crest Scotland."

2. Look for reliable sources such as official clan websites, historical records, or reputable genealogical sources. These sources can provide accurate and detailed information about the crest.

3. Once you have found a reliable source, explore the description or images of the McDonalds clan crest. Pay attention to the symbols, including any transportation vessel or animal that may be depicted.

4. Note that clan crests can vary, and different branches or individuals within a clan may have variations of the crest. Therefore, it's important to verify that the specific crest you find is associated with the McDonalds of Scotland.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to discover the transportation vessel and animal depicted on the family crest of the McDonalds of Scotland.