fraction word problem. please advise on how to work the problem

Phillip and Jane had a pie each.
Phippip ate 1/4 of his and Jane ate more of the pie than Phillip. Which fraction of his pie could Jane have eaten.

Possible answers: 2/5 1/6 2/8 or 1/8

Which fraction is greater than .25? Change to decimals to determine.

To solve this problem, we need to analyze the information given and determine how much of his pie Phillip ate.

Given that Jane ate more of the pie than Phillip, we know that Jane's fraction will be larger than 1/4. We are given four answer choices: 2/5, 1/6, 2/8, and 1/8.

Let's work through each answer choice to see if it is possible for Jane to have eaten that fraction of her pie.

Answer choice 2/5: If Jane ate 2/5 of her pie, we need to compare it to Phillip's 1/4. Since 2/5 is larger than 1/4, this is a possible solution.

Answer choice 1/6: If Jane ate 1/6 of her pie, comparing it to 1/4, we see that 1/6 is smaller than 1/4. Therefore, Jane could not have eaten 1/6 of her pie.

Answer choice 2/8: If Jane ate 2/8 of her pie, comparing it to 1/4, we can simplify 2/8 to 1/4. Since this is the same fraction that Phillip ate, Jane could not have eaten 2/8 of her pie.

Answer choice 1/8: If Jane ate 1/8 of her pie, comparing it to 1/4, we see that 1/8 is smaller than 1/4. Therefore, Jane could not have eaten 1/8 of her pie.

From our analysis, we can conclude that the only possible answer is 2/5. This means that Jane could have eaten 2/5 of her pie.