In this memory process, the individual records information to prepare it to be entered into memory.


i think the answer is encoding but then im confused?

I don't see anything wrong here :p. Sounds right. are you just confused?

Definitely encoding.

You are correct that encoding is involved in the process of preparing information to be entered into memory. Encoding refers to the process of converting sensory information into a form that can be stored in memory. However, in the given options, the correct answer is actually storage.

Storage is the process of maintaining and retaining information in memory. Once information is encoded, it is stored in different memory systems, such as long-term memory or short-term/working memory. This allows the individual to retain the information and potentially retrieve it later.

Encoding and storage are closely related processes in the memory system. Encoding is responsible for transforming information into a form that can be stored, and storage is responsible for maintaining that information within memory. So while encoding is involved in the initial process of preparing information for memory, storage is the specific step where the information is actually held within the memory system.