What is the rule for formal commands?

This site give information on Direct Commands.


This site shows the difference between commands and requests. It also gives the verb forms:


The rule for formal commands, also known as direct commands, in Spanish is to take the present subjunctive form of the verb and modify it according to the pronoun. To form formal commands, follow these steps:

1. Take the present subjunctive form of the verb.
2. For regular verbs, drop the "-o" ending from the yo form of the present indicative and add the respective ending based on the pronoun.
- For -ar verbs, use the endings "-e" for Ud. (usted) and "-en" for Uds. (ustedes).
- For -er and -ir verbs, use the endings "-a" for Ud. (usted) and "-an" for Uds. (ustedes).
3. For irregular verbs, the verb form changes entirely. It's important to learn the specific irregularities for each verb.

For more detailed information and a comprehensive list of verb forms and irregularities, you can refer to the two websites you provided:

1. The first website, http://users.ipfw.edu/JEHLE/COURSES/COMMANDS.HTM, provides information on direct commands. It explains the difference between requests and commands and offers examples of direct command forms for regular and irregular verbs.

2. The second website, http://spanish.about.com/library/weekly/aa082701a.htm, also explains the difference between commands and requests, but focuses on the verb forms and endings for formal commands specifically.

By visiting these websites, you can have a better understanding of the rule for formal commands in Spanish and access additional resources to practice and expand your knowledge on the topic.