How am i to Calculate the appropriate discount using the IF function with an absolute reference to the value listed in cell I1( which is 10%) for any order with a quantity of two or more; otherwise the discount is zero. Place the calculated discount value in the discount column.

Thank you
This is within Case Grader

I think I see your problem. The IF function in excel is:

@IF(logical test, value if true, value if false)

So let column A be price, B be quantity, column C be receipts after discount. So for any sale (row i), put in the C columns cell row i:
@IF (Bi >= 2, Ai*Bi*(1-$I$1), Ai*Bi)

To calculate the appropriate discount using the IF function with an absolute reference to the value listed in cell I1, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the cell where you want to place the calculated discount value. Let's say it is in column J, starting from cell J2.
2. Use the IF function to check the quantity of the order and determine the appropriate discount. The syntax for the IF function is:
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

In this case, the logical_test would be the quantity of the order, and the value_if_true would be the discount of 10% from I1. The value_if_false would be zero, since the discount is zero for quantities less than two.

3. Type the following formula in cell J2:

=IF(B2>=2, I1, 0)

Here, assuming that the quantity is stored in column B, and the first row of data starts from row 2 (hence B2). Adjust the cell references accordingly based on your specific setup.

4. Press Enter to get the calculated discount value in the discount column.

Now, when the quantity in column B is two or more, the IF function will return the value from cell I1 (10% discount), and if the quantity is less than two, it will return zero.