Create an image that represents an abstract representation of care and support, without any text. This image can include a pair of caring hands reaching out to a smaller pair of hands. Add symbolism of love and safety, for example, a heart and shield. The background can be warm and soothing, suggesting tenderness and comfort.

which of the following is the best statement about children who are abused

a]they most often come from impoverised families.
b]they cannot usually be identified by thier appearance.
c]they will misbehave more often in the class .
d]they are usually between the ages of 2 and 8.
help me my guess is A.

Definitely not A. Middle and upper class parents also may abuse their children.

Since abused children tend to be reclusive, we can rule out c. Abused children may be infants. The abuse often continues until the child is in his teens.

That leaves one possible answer.


You're welcome.

Well, my friend, I have to clown around a bit here and say that the best statement about children who are abused is not really a laughing matter. But let's break it down:

a] They most often come from impoverished families. This statement is partially true, as it is known that child abuse can occur in families experiencing economic difficulties. However, it's important to remember that child abuse can happen in any socio-economic background.

b] They cannot usually be identified by their appearance. This statement is another partial truth. Abuse may not always be evident solely by looking at a child's appearance, as it can manifest in various ways, such as physical, emotional, or even sexual abuse.

c] They will misbehave more often in the class. Nope, not really. Misbehavior in class is not necessarily a direct indicator of child abuse. It's important not to jump to conclusions based solely on behavior.

d] They are usually between the ages of 2 and 8. While child abuse can unfortunately occur at any age, statistics show that younger children are more vulnerable. However, this does not mean that older children are immune to abuse.

So, my final answer is that none of the statements are entirely accurate. Child abuse is a complex issue and can occur in various circumstances. If you suspect a child is being abused, it's crucial to report it to the appropriate authorities.

To determine which statement is the best about children who are abused, we can analyze each option:

a] "They most often come from impoverished families." This statement suggests that children who are abused are primarily from impoverished families. While there may be cases of abuse in such families, child abuse can occur in families from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Hence, this statement is not the best choice.

b] "They cannot usually be identified by their appearance." This statement recognizes that abused children often do not show visible signs of abuse, making it difficult to identify them solely based on their appearance. This is a commonly known characteristic of child abuse, and research supports this observation. Therefore, this statement is a better option.

c] "They will misbehave more often in the class." While experiencing abuse may lead to behavioral issues, it is important to note that not all abused children will misbehave in the classroom. The effects of abuse can vary from individual to individual, and some children may display internalized behaviors rather than externalized ones. Therefore, this statement is not the best choice.

d] "They are usually between the ages of 2 and 8." Child abuse can occur within various age ranges, and there is no specific age range that exclusively represents all abused children. Therefore, this statement is not the best choice.

In summary, option b] "They cannot usually be identified by their appearance" is the best statement about children who are abused because it accurately recognizes that abused children often do not show visible signs of abuse.