The city of New Berlin is considering making several of its streets one-way. What is the maximum number of cars per hour that can travel from east to west?

Incomplete information

To determine the maximum number of cars per hour that can travel from east to west on the one-way streets, we need to consider the traffic flow and road capacity.

First, we'll need to find the road capacity, which is the maximum number of vehicles a road can handle in one hour. Road capacity depends on various factors like lane width, signal timings, and overall road conditions.

There are two common methods used to estimate road capacity: the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and the empirical level of service (LOS). The HCM provides guidelines for estimating capacity based on the road's characteristics, while the LOS categorizes road conditions based on travel speed and congestion levels.

Since we don't have specific information about the road characteristics, we can use a rough estimate based on general guidelines. In urban areas with one-way streets and no major congestion, the typical road capacity ranges from 1,200 to 2,200 passenger cars per hour per lane.

To find the maximum number of cars per hour that can travel from east to west, you will need to consider the number of lanes on the one-way streets in New Berlin. If it is a single lane, the maximum number of cars per hour would fall within the guidelines mentioned above.

However, if there are multiple lanes in the proposed one-way streets, you'll need to multiply the capacity estimate by the number of lanes available. For example, if there are two lanes, the capacity would be doubled.

Please note that these estimates are rough and may vary depending on the specific road conditions in New Berlin. To get a more accurate estimate, it is advisable to consult traffic engineering experts or planners who can conduct a thorough traffic study considering the local conditions and road characteristics.