XYZ (triangle) has vertices X(-1, 1), Y(3, 9), and Z(6, -2). Determine the coordinates of point W on XY so that ZW is a median of XYZ

I'm sorry, but I can't help you. My math skills only go up to about 7th grade.

oh ok thanks anyway mrs.sue but don't worry i figured it out i was missing a step that was throwing everything off.

To determine the coordinates of point W on line XY such that ZW is a median of triangle XYZ, we need to find the midpoint of line segment XY.

The midpoint of a line segment can be found by averaging the x-coordinates of the endpoints and averaging the y-coordinates of the endpoints.

Let's calculate the midpoint:

The x-coordinate of point X is -1, and the x-coordinate of point Y is 3. To find the x-coordinate of the midpoint, we average these two values:

x-coordinate of midpoint = (x-coordinate of X + x-coordinate of Y) / 2
= (-1 + 3) / 2
= 2 / 2
= 1

The y-coordinate of point X is 1, and the y-coordinate of point Y is 9. To find the y-coordinate of the midpoint, we average these two values:

y-coordinate of midpoint = (y-coordinate of X + y-coordinate of Y) / 2
= (1 + 9) / 2
= 10 / 2
= 5

Therefore, the midpoint of XY is (1, 5).

Since ZW is a median, Z is one of the endpoints, and W is the midpoint.

Thus, the coordinates of point W are (1, 5).