Write the equation for this situation: the cost, c, in dollars of a car rental is equal to 10 dollars plus 1/2 the miles driven, m.

Then graph the equation and use the graph to determine the cost of the car rental if the number of miles driven is 12

You will have to draw your wown graph.

The equation is c = 10 + 0.5 m

I am sure you can figure out what c is when m = 12, using that equation or a graph you draw yourself.

To write the equation for the given situation, we know that the cost of a car rental, c, is equal to 10 dollars plus 1/2 the miles driven, m.

So the equation would be:

c = 10 + (1/2)m

To graph this equation, we can plot the number of miles driven (m) on the x-axis and the cost of the car rental (c) on the y-axis.

To find the cost of the car rental if the number of miles driven is 12, we can substitute 12 for m in the equation:

c = 10 + (1/2)(12)
c = 10 + 6
c = 16

Therefore, the cost of the car rental for 12 miles driven would be 16 dollars.

Graphically, you can plot the points (0, 10) and (12, 16) and connect them with a straight line. The y-intercept is 10, indicating the initial cost of the car rental, and the slope is 1/2, showing how much the cost increases for each additional mile driven.