what led to quick growth in the Kootenas? and why was this growth momentary?

Silver, Copper, and other metals were discovered by prospectors in the Kootenay region which led to the growth of this region. This growth was short lived because mining towns soon dotted the whole region.

what does dotted mean?

In this context, "dotted" means there were a lot of mining towns all over this region.

See the dots for towns on this map? I don't know that all of these towns were mining towns, but you can get an idea of how towns dot a map here.


oh, okay:) thanks

You're welcome. :-)

I don't see why the existence of a lot of towns would necessarly lead to a rapid end of growth. Presumably the supply of easily mined ore in the Kootenay area ran out.

The boom went bust in a few decades.


Perhaps so many people mined these metals that the ores were soon depleted.

To understand the meaning of "dotted" in the given context, we can consult a dictionary or an online resource. One such resource is Merriam-Webster, which defines "dotted" as "marked with or characterized by a series of spots or small areas." In the context of the sentence, it means that mining towns were scattered or spread out across the entire region, creating a pattern of towns appearing here and there, like spots or small areas on a map.

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