How would i solve for this problems?

also what is the answer(s)

5.)Which answers are equal to the expression √16 x √25

b.√16 x 25
c.(16 x 25)^1/2
f.√25 x √16


c) d) and f)

the computer test says that c,d,f are wrong

it said Remember, Also, the radical sign is the same as an exponent of 1/2 and Make sure that each answer you select has the same value as the expression in the box.

after reviewing the book i found the answer, which is b,c,d,f are all equal to the expression √16 x √25

b) is not a correct choice

√16 x 25 = 4x25 = 100

It would be correct if you had said
√(16 x 25)

the way you typed it, I am 100% sure it is c) d) and f)

To solve this problem, we need to simplify the expression √16 × √25.

Firstly, we know that the square root (√) of a number gives us the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals that number. Therefore, √16 is equal to 4, and √25 is equal to 5.

Next, we substitute those values back into the expression:

4 × 5

Evaluating the multiplication gives us the result:


So, the answer to this problem is 20.

Looking at the answer choices, we can see that option d. 20 matches our result. Therefore, the answer to this problem is d. 20.